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Henry Pierrepont Papers


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Henry Pierrepont Papers, 1838-1907 | The Green-Wood Cemetery

By Haley Bryce, Texas State University

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Collection Overview

Title: Henry Pierrepont Papers, 1838-1907Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1838-1885

Extent: 1.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Arranged by Series Title.

Subjects: Beach, Hunn C., Brooklyn Bath & Coney Island Rail Road Co., Brown, Henry Kinke, Cemeteries--New York (State)--New York--History, Cemeteries--United States--History--19th Century, Champney, Samuel T., Cook Jr., Zebedee, Crosby, William B., Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard 1822-1909, Deeds, DeWitt Clinton, DeWitt Clinton Monument, Douglass, David Bates, Edward Everett (1794-1865, Folder 18), Freeman, Pliny, Goodhue, Jonathon, Green-Wood Cemetery--New York, N.Y., Hammond, Alonzo G., Henry Evelyn Pierrepont, Howland, George S., Jones, D. L., Kiernan, John J., Landscape architecture--New York (State)--New York--Designs and plans, LeRoy, Jacob, Low, Abiel Abbot, McCoy, D.H., Esq., Millard Fillmore (1800-1874, Folder 18), New York State Senate, Ogden, Thomas L., P. Schermerhorn, Perry, Joseph A., Pierrepont, John J., Ray, Robert, Royal Phelps, Silliman, Benjamin D., Smith, Cyrus P., Stebbins, Russel, Subscriptions for Lots, The Abuses in Green-Wood Cemetery 1885, Trask, Spencer, Van Wagenen, Gerrit G., Ward, Samuel, Whitney, Stephen, William Augustus White, Willson, Charles H.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The papers of Henry Evelyn Pierrepont were donated to the Green-Wood Cemetery in 1907 by his son, John J. Pierrepont, who was Vice-President of the Green-Wood Cemetery at the time. John sent his father's papers to Mr. Samuel Carey, the Comptroller and Trustee of the Green-Wood. In his letter to Mr. Carey, John states that the papers no longer hold any value to him. The inclusive dates of this collection are from 1838-1907; the bulk dates being 1838-1885.

DeWitt Clinton (1769-1828) was an extraordinary politician from New York who was notable for his powerful place in politics. He served as Assemblyman from 1797-1798, State Senator from 1798-1803, Mayor of New York City from 1803-1815, and Governor from 1817-1823 and 1825-1828. However, his crowning achievement was the establishment of the Erie Canal, where he served as the projects commissioner from 1810-1824. Clinton died on February 11, 1828 and he was buried in Albany, New York. In the 1850s, his remains were removed and interred at Green-Wood Cemetery. To commemorate such an influential man, Henry Pierrepont decided that a grand monument was to be created in his honor. In the DeWitt Clinton Monument series, researchers will find the details of the design project, with monetary figures from the monuments sculptor, Henry Kirke Brown, as well as correspondence between Henry Pierrepont, Robert Ray Esq., and politicians such as Hon. Millard Fillmore (13th President of the United States) and Edward Everett. Pierrepont had invited them to the commemoration ceremony of the statue in 1853. This statue is the second-oldest surviving cast-bronze statue in the United States.

Considerable thought and planning by Pierrepont and other trustees of the cemetery enabled the beauty of Green-Wood Cemetery to evolve. Even more planning went toward the proper treatment of the interred. However, for a man named Charles H. Willson, this was not the case. In 1885, the Green-Wood Cemetery came under investigation by the United States Senate on charges of misconduct and misuse of funds for proper caretaking after Mr. Willson experienced a dramatic event during the burial of his wife. The charges were later dismissed. In this series, researchers will find correspondence from Pierrepont to his acquaintances, including New York Senator Hon. John J. Kiernan and Rev. Theodore Cuyler, as well as news articles pertaining to this event.

The series contains legal documents such as deeds for land ownership from philanthropist William Augustus White, as well as the Brooklyn Bath & Coney Island Rail Road Co., reports of lot holders, minutes from directors meetings, subscriptions for lots and stocks, and correspondence in regards to plot holdings.

Many of the letters and other documents within this collection were written by men who served as past presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, and various other Board of Trustees members, many of whom are now interred at Green-Wood.

Collection Historical Note

Henry Evelyn Pierrepont (1808-1888), who is credited with being an important figure in the development of the city of Brooklyn in the early nineteenth century, is also one of the significant figures in the founding and establishment of the Green-Wood Cemetery (est. 1838). Following a visit to Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1832, he believed that New York was in need of a similar establishment. His desire to establish a “benevolent institution for [the benefit of the public]” went into every aspect of Green-Wood's development; especially the property’s design and care for the deceased.

Subject/Index Terms

Beach, Hunn C.
Brooklyn Bath & Coney Island Rail Road Co.
Brown, Henry Kinke
Cemeteries--New York (State)--New York--History
Cemeteries--United States--History--19th Century
Champney, Samuel T.
Cook Jr., Zebedee
Crosby, William B.
Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard 1822-1909
DeWitt Clinton
DeWitt Clinton Monument
Douglass, David Bates
Edward Everett (1794-1865, Folder 18)
Freeman, Pliny
Goodhue, Jonathon
Green-Wood Cemetery--New York, N.Y.
Hammond, Alonzo G.
Henry Evelyn Pierrepont
Howland, George S.
Jones, D. L.
Kiernan, John J.
Landscape architecture--New York (State)--New York--Designs and plans
LeRoy, Jacob
Low, Abiel Abbot
McCoy, D.H., Esq.
Millard Fillmore (1800-1874, Folder 18)
New York State Senate
Ogden, Thomas L.
P. Schermerhorn
Perry, Joseph A.
Pierrepont, John J.
Ray, Robert
Royal Phelps
Silliman, Benjamin D.
Smith, Cyrus P.
Stebbins, Russel
Subscriptions for Lots
The Abuses in Green-Wood Cemetery 1885
Trask, Spencer
Van Wagenen, Gerrit G.
Ward, Samuel
Whitney, Stephen
William Augustus White
Willson, Charles H.

Administrative Information

Repository: The Green-Wood Cemetery

Processing Information: Accession #: 001-2013

Box and Folder Listing

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Folder 1: John J. Pierrepont Correspondence, 1907Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 1. John J. Pierrepont to Mr. Samuel Carey, New York, February 4, 1907.

      In this letter, John Pierrepont writes that he found a small collection of items relating to Green-Wood Cemetery within his father’s papers. He states that he has no use for them but feels that they would be more valuable for the cemetery’s early records.

Folder 2: Meeting Minutes, December 15, 1838Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 2. First Minutes of Directors of Green-Wood Cemetery Company, December 15, 1838.

      “At a meeting of the Directors of the Greenwood Cemetery Company on the 15th Dec. 1838 at the office of S. C. Williams Esq. no. 54 Wall there were present Messrs. Robert Ray, Jacob R. Le Roy, Russel Stebbins, A.G. Hammond, D.B. Douglass, Pliny Freeman, Joseph A. Perry & H. E. Pierrepont. A.G. Hammond Esq. was called to the chair and H. E. Pierrepont appointed secretary.

Resolved that a committee of the persons be appointed to nominate candidates for the president and other offices to the next meeting. Messrs. J. A. Perry & Pliny Freeman were appointed said committee.

Resolved that a committee of 3 persons be appointed to open a corporation with the proprietors of the said in the City of Brooklyn c...(?) if the 5th Avenue and between 18th and 34th Street, or such p...(?) thereof as n...(?) be sufficient for the object of this association the a...(?) terms upon which the same can be purchased, and report to this Board with all c...(?) open. That said committee h...(?) person to add to their number. Messrs. Douglass, Pierrepont & Howland were appointed said committee.

Resolved that it be offered to the same committee to consider and report, whereas there are any and what alterations and amendments r...(?) or expedient to be made in the present charter of this corporation, and that they be requested to communicate to this Board any information or suggestion that they may deem useful or proper for its present or future government.

Resolved that this committee be authorized to make the requisite notices in the public paper for such alteration in the charter.

Resolved that this meeting now adjourn, to meet again when n...(?) by said committee that they are ready to reform. [Signed] A.G. Hammond (Chair) Henry Pierrepont (Secretary)"

Folder 3: Resolution: Surrender of GWC Stock, 1839Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 3. Handwritten resolution surrendering the stock of Green-Wood Cemetery, May 1, 1839.

      “Whereas under and by virtue of a certain act of the legislation of the state of New York, entitled an Act to alter and amend an Act to incorporate the ‘Greenwood Cemetery’ passed April 11th, 1839, it was (among other things) granted as follows. It shall be lawful for the stockholders of the said Greenwood Cemetery to surrender and extinguish their stock in such manner as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.

And whereas he said Board of Directors have prescribed and directed that the moneys heretofore paid by the said stockholders for and in consideration of the stock held by them respectively be repaid, and that the said stockholders respectively execute a surrender of the stock so held by them.

Now therefore know all men by these presents, that we the subscribers being such stockholders of the said corporation for the number of shares set opposite our respective names, having received the amount paid by us respectively, when and on account thereof, in consideration thereof, have surrendered and relinquished, and do, by there presents surrender, and relinquish to the said corporations all and singular, the shares of stock standing in our n...(?) respectively, upon the books of the said corporation, so that we, our executors, and administrators, may be forever barred and exclude from all right and title thereto or without therein. In minutes whereof we have set our land and seals this first day of May 1839.”

This document is signed by 15 members of the Board of Directors, including Henry E. Pierrepont, Pliny Freeman, J.A. Perry, D. B. Douglass, Robert Ray, and Jacob LeRoy.

Folder 4: Deed: W. Augustus White, 1839Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 4. “Wm. Augustus White to the Greenwood Cemetery,” Corporation Deed, July 1, 1839.

      This deed is for the transfer of land belonging to William Augustus White to the Greenwood Cemetery for the sum of $11,070.25. The deed was recorded in the Kings County Clerk's Office on September 5, 1839 and is signed by the mayor of Brooklyn, Cyrus P. Smith.

Folder 5A: Meeting Minutes, November 23, 1839Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 5. “Minutes November 23, 1839"

      “At a meeting of the Trustees of the Greenwood Cemetery held (by adjournment) at LeRoy & Perry’s office No. 1 Hanover Street, on Saturday the 23rd Nov. 1859 - present D.B. Douglass President. Thomas L. Ogden, Robert Ray, Zebedee Cook Jr., Russel Stebbins, Henry E. Pierrepont, Joseph A. Perry, Jacob LeRoy, Pliny Freeman, and A.G. Hammond Esq., members. The terms and conditions for the sale of cemetery lots to churches have been referred to a select committee for revision were reported by the president with (?) amendments recommended by said committee and read as follows, viz.

¶1. For the accommodation of churches and congregations who may desire to have the burial lots of their members located in a group together, the cemetery association will agree to lay out and set apart sections or parcels of ground comprising as many cemetery lots as the said churches or congregations may choose - not less however than one hundred lots in on section for any congregation - to be located by mutual agreement in such manner as not to interfere with the right of individual subscriber heretofore subscribing in the books opened for that purpose.

¶2. The grounds they selected and set apart, if not previously laid out, shall be laid out by the cemetery association in conformity with the general plan and may be bounded by walks or avenues, but not otherwise, as a whole, separately enclosed.

¶3 The price of the said grounds (to the churches) shall be estimated by the (?) lots contained (?) at the rate of seventy dollars per lot. One half to be paid in cash or in some comfortable form at the time of making the arrangement (or written six months from the 1s Nov. last) and the remaining half in such installment as may be agreed upon so that the whole shall be paid within five years from the said 1st Nov.

¶4. The lots so secured shall be held by the cemetery association upon trust for the use and benefit of the respective churches to be conveyed from time to time - simply or in such parcel, as may be required for bona fide use either to those churches, or to such of their individual members as they shall direct - the part conveyed being in all cases paid for, or satisfactorily secured.

¶5. The police and government of the grounds thus secured & when conveyed shall be retained in the Trustees of the Cemetery and the conveyance call be made in all cases subject to the limitations and condition. Prefixed to the subscription books now open a copy of which is hereunto unopened.

¶6. The churches and individuals who may acquire title to cemetery lots, conveyed to them under no forgoing provisions will of course become corporations the cemetery corporation, under the charter, and will be entitled to vote - individuals or in other cases, and churches by their virtues or Trustees or by Committees of those bodies - in the selection of the Trustees of said corporation, and to enjoy in all other respects the right and privileges which other corporation do or may enjoy in the same.                 

¶7. Any churches or corporations which shall give due notice of their intentions to avail themselves of the foregoing arrangements specifying the number of lots required and agreeing to comply with the conditions and stipulations to be entered into on their part shall be allowed precedence in the selection of their grounds - having regard the provisions of the first specification - according to the date of said notice. Whereupon it was

Resolved that the foregoing conditions for the sale of cemetery lots to churches and corporations be adopted and published.

Resolved further that a special committee be appointed on the part of this p...(?) to confer with the joint committee heretofore appointed by the vestries of certain churches, and with such other committees of a like kind as may hereafter be appointed by other churches & to m...(?) with the necessary arrangements for carrying out the objects now contemplated. The president also reported from the select committee a statement of the mortgage liens remaining due on the cemetery ground, good t...(?) n...(?) contemplated for extinguishing the same in reference to which, and with a view to give the fullest assurance to those who n...(?) with purchase cemetery lots in the premises the following revolution moved by its committee unanimously, adopted viz.

Resolved that Trustees - the major part of whom shall not be members of this Board - shall be appointed to receive and hold as a (?) fund, all moneys and securities hereafter to be received from churches, congregations & individual, and so much of those already subscribed as may not be required to meet expenses hereafter incurred, and to apply the source, after deducting a reasonable proportion for incidental expenses & improvement on the ground to be extinguished of liens and payment of purchase money generally, till the whole is paid off - provided that as far as practicable the said liens shall have the presence un the payments to be made, and that no more than one-fourth part of the moneys so received by the said trustees shall be appropriated to the incidental expenses and improvements until they are extinguished, nor more than one-half until the whole real estate of the association have been paid for, and the said trustees shall have power to make temporary interments of the funds so held at their discretion.”

Item 6. “Minutes Nov. 23, 1839 Copied”

      “The special committee appointed to consider further the terms and conditions for the sake of cemetery lots to churches - having had the report of the formed committee under consideration - recommended as follows, viz.

The first three sections of the (?) reported by the former committee to be adopted without amendment.

1. The fourth section to be amended, to be read as follows. 4th. The lots thus secured are to be held by the cemetery corporation upon trust, for the use and benefit of the respective churches, and to be conveyed from time to time either to those churches or to such of their individual members or they shall direct in singular lots or to such parcels of lots as may be required for bona-fide use – the purchase money of the lots so conveyed, being in all cases paid or satisfactorily secured.

2. The fifth section to be adopted without amendment.

3. The concluding paragraph of the report with a formal amendment, to be introduced on a sixth section as follows, viz. 6. The churches and individuals who may acquire title to cemetery lots conveyed to them under the foregoing provisions, will become, of course, corporation of the cemetery corporation , under the charter, and will have a right to vote (individuals or in other cases, and churches by their vestries or trustees or by committees of those bodies) in the election of the trustees of said corporation; and in all other respects enjoy the rights and privileges which other corporations do or may enjoy the same.

4. The committee further recommend the following additional provision as a seventh section viz.7th. Any churches or corporations who, on or before the first day of May next, shall officially give notice at the cemetery office, of their intention to avail themselves of the privileges set forth in the terms & conditions above written, and shall agree to make and secure within that time, the payments required on their part, shall be allowed to take precedence in the selection of their grounds (not interfering with the provisions of the first section) according to the order in which their said notifications shall be given.

5. The committee have also had under consideration as connected with the subject referred to them, a statement of the mortgage liens remaining on the cemetery property and the means of removing them (see copy of said statement annexed to this report) in reference to which, and with a view to give the fullest assurance on this subject to those who wish to subscribe for lots in the cemetery, they recommend for adoption the following resolution viz. Resolved that trustees – the major part of whom shall not be members of this board – shall be appointed to receive and hold as a sinking fund all monies and securities, hereafter to be received from churches congregations and individuals, together with so much of those already subscribed, as may not be necessary to meet expenses heretofore incurred; and to apply the same – after deducting a reasonable proportion for incidental expenses and improvements on the ground – to the extinguishment of liens and the payment of purchase money generally, till the whole is paid off. Provided, that as far as practicable, the said liens shall have preference in the payments to be made, and that, no more than one fourth part of the monies received by the said trustees shall be appointed to the incidental expenses & improvements aforesaid, until the said liens are extinguished nor more than one half, until the whole of the real estate shall have been paid for and the said trustees shall have power to make temporary investments of the funds so held as their discretion.

6. The committee recommend that a special committee be appointed on the part of the Board, to confer with the joint committee heretofore appointed in behalf of the vestries of certain churches and with such other committees of a like kind as may be appointed by other churches, and to mature with them the means necessary to carry out the object now contemplated – all which is respectfully submitted. [Signed] D.B. Douglass, T.L. Ogden. A.G. Hammond } committee.”

Folder 5B: Meeting Minutes, May 29, 1840Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 7. Board of Trustees Meeting, May 29, 1840

      “At a meeting of the Trustees Present, the President, Messrs. Perry, Stebbins, Cook, Le Roy, Freeman, Ray, and Hammond. The minutes of the last meeting were not read. The report of the committee appointed at the meeting of 27th (?) was read, as follows,

The Committee to whom was referred the paper communicated by the President at the meeting of the Board on Wednesday last - with a view to mature a course of action thereon - offer by way of report, the following resolutions, viz,

Resolved that this Board regard with deep and unabated interest the importance of the Institution committed to their care -  and believing that it may eventually commend itself to the unqualified approbation of our citizens, they will use every means in their power to carry out the benevolent objects contemplated in the Charter of Incorporation with the least possible delay.

Resolved that the Books of Subscription for cemetery lots be immediately reopened, and subscriptions received therein at the following rates, viz. For one lot, one hundred dollars. For four, or more, lots, taken together, eighty dollars each.

The amount of subscription to remain uncalled for, until the number of lots subscribed by the churches and individuals - including those hereafter subscribed, shall be sufficient to pay off all existing encumbrances on the ground.

Resolved that this Board approve the doings of the committee appropriated to negotiate the sale of cemetery lots to churches, including the terms and conditions offered by them, at the meeting of the delegates of the churches on the 28th of April with (see the annexed paper marked C) in addition to which the following supplementary provision is adopted, viz.

That whenever any church taking one hundred, or more lots, shall choose to pay for the same in money, or in bonds at five years, bearing interest at six per cent annually, they shall be allowed to take the said lots at the sale of forty dollars each. Provided, however, that the books shall books shall not be kept open on the terms here referred to, with, or without this modification, after the number of lots subscribed, by individuals and churches, shall amount in the aggregate to twelve hundred and fifty, or as many as may be sufficient to pay off the incumbrances [sic].

Resolved that the President be authorized to invite proposals for enclosing the ground with a substantial picket fence, and to report the result at a further meeting.

The Committee further reports that on the representations made to the Board that the allowance made the President for his services founded on a commission on sales of cemetery lots, having failed, arising from unforeseen embarrassments, so that he has not been able to obtain any compensation for his services since 1st of October last, they would recommend the following resolution, viz.

Resolved that the corporation of Greenwood Cemetery guarantee to the President that his commission shall amount to at least fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and that they be holden to him for the present year from the 1st of October last at that rate, whether the commission allowed him in that agreement amount to that (seen?) or not. [Signed] Robert Ray, Russel Stebbins, J. A. Perry} Committee.

The resolutions by the committee were severally passed upon and accepted, whereupon, on motion. Resolved that the report as a whole be accepted, and put upon the minutes and that the paper accompanying the same placed on file. Adjourned. [Signed] H.C. Beach, Recording Secretary Pro. Temp.”

Folder 5C: Meeting Minutes, November 23, 1840Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 8. "Board of Trustees Meeting, November 23, 1840"

      “At a meeting of the Trustees of the Greenwood Cemetery, held by adjournment at Messrs. LeRoy and Perry’s office No. 1 Hanover Street, on Saturday the 23rd Nov. 1839 - present D. B. Douglass President - Thomas L. Ogden Robert Ray, Zebedee Cook Jr. Russell Stebbins, Henry E. Pierrepont, Jacob R. LeRoy, Joseph A. Perry,  Pliny Freeman, & A. G. Hammond, members.

Major Douglass from the special committee on the sale of cemetery lots to churches report a schedule of the mortgage liens remaining on the cemetery property and the means contemplated for extinguishing the same in reference to which, and with a view to give the fullest assurance in this subject to those who may wish to subscribe for cemetery lots. The following resolution was recommended by the said committee & unanimously adopted viz. Resoled that five trustees, the major part of whom the [writing trails off].

Resolved unanimously that Messrs. Cornelius (?), Abram Ogden, and James McBride Esq. (not members of this board) and Messrs. Russell Stebbins & Robert Ray members of the same be appropriate trustees to act under the forgoing resolution & that the finance committee (?) the president be directed to communicate said appointment to those (?) respectively & to make any further arrangements which may be necessary for arranging said Trust.”

Folder 6: Report of Lot Holders, December 7, 1840Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 9. Handwritten Copy of a Notice Meeting, November 21, 1840

            In this handwritten note, D. B. Douglass sends notice to the public that a meeting is to be held at No. 58 Wall Street at 10 A.M. on December 7, 1840 for the election of five trustees. The notice was to be presented in the American of New York or the Long Island Star of Brooklyn.

Item 10. Report of Lot Holders, December 7, 1840

      “At a meeting of the lot proprietors of the Greenwood Cemetery convened at 10 o’clock A.M. at the cemetery office No. 58 Wall Street by public notice duly given in pursuance of the act of incorporation of G.G. Van Wagenen Esq. was unanimously called to the Chair and J. A. Perry Esq. appointed Secretary.

Major Douglass, President of the association then stated the object of the meeting, viz, to elect five trustees from among the lot proprietors in conformity with the proprietors of the 2nd section of the act to alter and amend an act to incorporate the Greenwood Cemetery, passed April 11, 1839.

On motion it was resolved that the poll be now opened and that it continue open for the ballots of lot owners until 3 o’clock P.M. this day.

At 3 o’clock the ballot box being opened, the ballots were found to stand as follows, viz., for Stephen Whitney, 42 ballots; A.G. Hammond, 42 ballots; Jonathan Goodhue, 42 ballots; G. G. Van Wagenen, 42 ballots; William B. Crosby, 22 ballots; Samuel Ward, 20 ballots. Upon which it appeared that Messrs. Stephen Whitney, A. G. Hammond, Jonathan Goodhue, G. G. Van Wagenen, and William B. Crosby having the majority of the whole number of votes cast were duly elected. Whereupon, on motion, resolved that the meeting of the lot owners adjourn, sine die.

Witness our hands, New York this 7th day (being the 1st Monday) of December 1840. [Signed] G.G. Van Wagenen, Chair, & J. A. Perry, Secretary.

(Copied - See Book of Minutes Page 42. H. C. Beach - Secretary of Greenwood Cemetery Association)”

Folder 7: Deed: New Wright Ave., 1841Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 11. “Matter of New Wright Ave.," September 14, 1841

This deed is for the transfer of land belonging to David Codwise to the Greenwood Cemetery.   

Folder 8: Finance Committee Report, February 1, 1842Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 12. “Report - Finance Committee, February 1, 1842”

      “The committee appointed by the Trustees per resolution of 21st January last ‘to examine and report on the accounts of the association’ respectively report that they have examined all the entries in the journal of the association from the first page to the thirteenth page, both inclusive, that all the entries are correct; that all the p...(?) from the journal to the ledger have been examined and found correct; that for every entry vouchers have been produced, which your committee believe to be correct and proper in every particular and that a statement showing the ledger balances of all the accounts has been drawn out by the secretary, signed by the chairman of your committee and filed among the accounts of the cemetery association.

[Signed] Henry E. Pierrepont, Secretary and Chairman of Committee on Accounts.”

Folder 9: Report from J.A. Perry, April 29, 1842Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Items 13 and 14 (Both are the same letter). “J. A. Perry Report, April 29, 1842”

      “The Committee to whom was referred the annexed resolutions respectfully report that in the discharge of the duty imposed upon them, they have succeeded in arranging with Mr. Schermerhorn for the purchase of 85 acres of land lying within the cemetery limits for the sum of $300 per acre, of which he agrees to deed to the cemetery 33 acres upon receiving bonds of the churches for $10,000 or something equivalent thereto, and the balance say 52 acres, he will deed likewise in parcels not less than 8 acres, at any time within six years from the 1st day of November last, upon receiving the purchase price per acre with interest at 4 percent. The 1st Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn having taken 100 lots and Christ Church Brooklyn, also 100 lots, for which bond for $4,000 each one to be given, the committee propose to transfer Mr. Schermerhorn these bonds over for the balance, say $2,000, they are induced to believe that a cemetery bond will be satisfactory.

They have also succeeded in arranging for the purpose of all other necessary parcels excepting the following - a parcel of 8 lots owned by I. M. Marsh, not necessary, however, to be obtained unless they can be purchased upon reasonable terms - a parcel of 18 gores or parts of lots, owned by T. Chagot, on which there is a mortgage now under process of foreclosure, and which mortgage has been purchased for the cemetery, and is now under their control. It is believed that the ground will sell for no more than the amount of the mortgage - at all events when sold, care will be taken that it be purchased for the cemetery. One other parcel of 10 lots owned by D. L. Jones remains to be purchased and cannot be had immediately without submitting to great extortions. He is however, anxious to dispose of it and the committee are persuaded that if the cemetery proceed without regard to his lots, he will be inclined to acquire in any arrangements they may hereafter propose. The Committee are satisfied that the here policy of the cemetery is to proceed in offering their burial lots to the public without delay, irrespective of these parcels of lands, convinced that the interest of the parties, if no better motive prompts them, will eventually secure to the cemetery this part of their grounds at a reasonable price.

With respect to the finances of the cemetery, the committee find that the payments necessary to be made this year, will not in any probability exceed $32,000 of which $11,000 will not be required until near the loss of the year and even a part of this, if necessary, can probably be deferred to the following year. With the view to present the cemetery fairly and favorably before the public, it is now proposed as the best, and in fact the only alternative which seems to be left, to clear, if possible, at least 100 acres of land lying in a body from all incumbrances [sic] in order that when accomplished, deeds for lots may be given without further difficulty and delay. To effect this $11,500 only will be required, and as it will be necessary to make this payment before deeds can be given, and as subscribers to burial lots may be averse to pay the amounts of their subscriptions until they can obtain deeds, or have some guarantee equivalents hereto, the committee would suggest the following plan as one likely to prove satisfactory to all - let the Trustees appoint two of their number, one a resident of New York and the other of Brooklyn a committee, to whom subscribers may pay their subscriptions under the express stipulation that the money so paid shall be applied exclusively to the removal of the incumbrances [sic] now resting upon the 100 acres referred to, and that if the money collected should be insufficient, or from any other cause the object should not be attained, then they shall refund to the subscribers severally the amount they may have paid. The committee cannot but believe that this (?) if adopted will satisfy the most scrupulous and they therefore strongly recommend it to the consideration of the Trustees. The committee find that in looking at the list of subscriptions for lots that the sum of $19,000 can be confidently relied upon for means to meet the demands existing against the cemetery. To pay this dire in the course of this year, a further sale of only 130 lots will be necessary to be made - when it is remembered how insufficient and unsatisfactory are all the provisions made for the dead, as well in Brooklyn as in New York, and how strong a hold the cemetery has attained upon the feelings and affections of both communities, it cannot be believed that in relying upon the tale of so small a number of lots, the committee are indulging expectations not to be realized. In evidence of the interest evinced by the citizens of Brooklyn in the success of this institution, it will only be necessary to state that within a few weeks a large number of the most prominent members of that community united in the call of a public meeting of the citizens at large, for the purpose of adopting such measures as might ensure its success. This meeting was held in one of the churches of that city and after eloquent addresses before a large audience by several of the clergy of different denominations, & others, subscriptions were made upon the understanding that 100 acres would be rendered free from incumbrance, to the number of near 100 lots.

The committee, in conclusion, feel confident that to render some the complete success of this institution, it is only necessary to afford to the public an opportunity to obtaining a clear title to the burial plots they may desire to purchase and they therefore, under the full conviction of the h...(?) of these impressions, respectfully offer the following resolutions = Resolved, that it is expedient immediately to open books for subscriptions to burial lots.

Resolved, that Zebedee Cook Jr. of New York and Cyrus P. Smith of Brooklyn be a committee to acquire all money to be paid or for burial lots on the 100 acres referred to in the above report (?) hold the (?) & (?) to apply to such monies to the satisfaction of & removal of all incumbrances [sic] upon the said 100 acres, or in case of inability from any cause to do so, to refund to the subscribers the money they may have paid. New York, April 29, 1842. [Signed] J. A. Perry, A.G. Hammond, Russel Stebbins."

Folder 10: Deed: Brooklyn Bath & Coney Island Rail Road Co., 1866Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 15. “The Brooklyn Bath and Coney Island Railroad Company to Greenwood Cemetery,” Deed, April 5, 1866.

This five-page document is a deed for the transfer of land from The Brooklyn, Bath and Coney Island Railroad Company to the Greenwood Cemetery.

Folder 11: Royal Phelps, 1875Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Items 16 and 17 (both are the same letter): Royal Phelps to Henry E. Pierrepont, April 27, 1875

      “Dear Mr. Pierrepont, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be of service to you in any way in my power, and having this feeling, I have less s...(?) in c...(?) on you to aid me in making a proper deposit with the Greenwood Cemetery Association to (?) it for r...(?) my plot of ground on C...(?) Hill (2 lots) in good order for all future time - the coping is just being finished, and as it is of that extreme substantial kind it is not p...(?) than it can c...(?) be a source of expense to the cemetery - The s...(?) of the ground is the only thing which with a...(?) to be looked after, and as your superintendent can measure and sell it now, at the start, for much cheaper than I could p...(?) if done by a professional g...(?), I aspire to you saying to me - send us as much money and we will make it great and handsome as soon as the coping is finished, and keep it so hereafter for all time, do this for me on as good terms as this cemetery can afford to do it for, after (?) the premises, you will greatly oblige dear Mr. Pierrepont. (?) (?) (?) Royal Phelps.

Folder 12: “Abstract of Title for Eighth Ward”, 1876Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 17. “Abstract of the Title for the Greenwood Cemetery," February 1876     

      This 17-page document is the abstract of the title for certain lots of land in the Greenwood Cemetery.

Folder 13: Samuel T. Champney, 1881Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 19. Envelope, "W. Champney's Claim on Green-Wood Fraudulent

      This envelope originally contained the following letter (Item 20) from Samuel T. Champney to Henry E. Pierrepont, dated June 10, 1881.

Item 20. Samuel T. Champney to Henry E. Pierrepont, Brooklyn, June 10, 1881

      “To Henry E. Pierrepont Pres. and A. A. Lowe Vice Pres. (?) - I cannot resist the honest conviction, that having paid twice for a lot in the cemetery one of those payments should be returned to me. Mr. Perry has my statements of facts duly made oath to - he promised to place the same before the committee - but I think has never done so - at the time I got the lot - the company were poor - the grounds had not been laid out or finished, no money in the treasury. Now this cemetery is prospering, paying a generous salary to the secretary of seven thousand five hundred dollars. I am now in my eighty fourth year - and by reasons of infirmity brot [sic] on by hard work - since I lost a life savings by a defaulting gambling partner in New York - I cannot do much and never expect to again. Having been confined to my room for three and four months at a time. I write this as a friendly communication - Mr. Perry has my petition with facts made oath to. I shall not need much but a little while longer. Is it to be wondered at that under the circumstances I should apply to you for that justices and equity which I so sincerely believe is my due. I have no desire to dictate, would willingly leave this claim to my candid intelligent man. I have no unkind feelings toward any man - have never received a kind look, word or action during my long life I did not notice and value. Many grateful thanks is due Mr. Lowe for this kind reception the only time I was before the committee. In conclusion - I will only say, I need what I ask for. With respect and esteem, sincerely your friend, Samuel T. Champney.”

Item 21. “Copy of Letter to Samuel T. Champney,” June 15, 1881


“Dear Sir, in reply to your letter of the 10th June addressed to Mr. Lowe & to myself, in which you state the claim you had presented, hand not been decreed before the Trustees at Green-Wood Cemetery, we beg to refer you to the above copy of the minutes of the Board of Trustees, showing the claim had been investigated and (?) on in the Board in 1877, and no claim found to exist against Green-Wood Cemetery. Your (?) (?), Henry E. Pierrepont, A.A. Low } (?).”


“(?) the minutes of the Board of Trustees of Green-Wood Cemetery 12th Dec. 1877. The comptroller stated that Mr. S. T. Champney had preferred a claim for a debt amounting to $140, which he said the late Mayor Douglass owed in 1840, and which he attempted to (?) by alleged verbal communications which he had had with one or two of the Trustees (now deceased) had been assumed by the cemetery. In as much as Mr. Champney had bought and paid for on a lot on the 19th Feb. 1857 - and no claim had been made until within the last two or three years, the Board for this and other reasons, deemed the claim inadmissible, and declined to pay it.”

Folder 14: M.C. Leveridge: “Johnson Plot” Correspondence, 1885Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 22. M. C. Leveridge to Henry E. Pierrepont, New York, April 28, 1885.

            “Mr. Pierrepont. My Dear Sir, received yours in reference to Johnson Plot at Greenwood. The executors have always been ready to execute a deed to all the heirs and the widow of Mr. J. for such plot, but the heirs (or some of them) denied to sign the declaration prescribed by the cemetery making the plot unalienable. I have been at the cemetery offices twice and have had interviews with Mr. Perry and Mr. McCoy, and also with Mr. Silliman on the subject. The trouble, as I understand, is that one of the heirs, represented I believe, by Mr. Greenwood refuses to execute the declaration. I have seen one of the executors of Mr. Johnson, and called this morning on Mr. G. to get the deed, so as to have it executed by he executors. The deeds have been prepared some three months. I was absent on Saturday, and was therefore unavailable to attend the meeting of the commissioners. I have strong hopes that the matter will be dismissed by the Governor. I think there would be no doubt, if he understood the animus that instigated his proceedings. Very Respectfully & Truly Yours, M. C. Leveridge.”

Folder 15: Subscriptions for Lots, 1838-1839Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 23. “Subscriptions for Lots in the Greenwood Cemetery”

      This composition book is divided into two sections. The first section lists the terms of subscription to cemetery lots in the Greenwood Cemetery at the first opening of the books commencing on September 23, 1839. The second section lists the terms of subscription to cemetery lots in the Greenwood Cemetery at the reopening of the books commencing on June 1, 1840.

Folder 16: Subscriptions for Lots, 1842Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 24. “Subscriptions for Lots in the Greenwood Cemetery,”

      This composition book lists the terms of subscription to cemetery lots in the Greenwood Cemetery at the first opening of the books commencing October 23, 1839. There is writing scattered throughout the book. Towards the end of the book, there is a list of “Improvements for Accts. of Lot Owners,” as well as another list entitled “Price of Posts & Chain Enclosures.” On the very last page of this book, there is a list of trustees for 1842.

Folder 17: Subscriptions to Green-Wood Cemetery Stock, 1838Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 25. “Subscriptions to the Greenwood Cemetery Stock”

This composition book lists the names of subscribers to the Greenwood Cemetery Stock.

Folder 18: DeWitt Clinton Monument, 1853Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 26. “Estimate for Executing the Proposed Monument to DeWitt Clinton”

      This is a handwritten estimate for the construction of a proposed bronze monument of DeWitt Clinton from sculptor Henry Kinke Brown. He estimated that molding, casting, and finishing the statue would cost $10,000. The representation of the meeting of the ocean and the northern lakes was estimated at $1,500. The representation of the Erie Canal with horses and other figures was estimated at another $1,500. The cost of producing the monument in Freetown and moving it to be installed at Greenwood was estimated at $2,000, bringing the grand total of the monument to $15,000.

Items 27 and 28 (Both are the same letter). Draft letter to Millard Fillmore, undated.

      “Dear Sir, a colonial bronze statue of DeWitt Clinton, designed to stand over his remains in Green-Wood Cemetery, has been completed by our distinguished sculptor, Henry Kinke Brown. At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the Clinton Monument Association it was resolved that the erection of the statue should be commemorated with fit and solemn ceremonial - as due not only to the memory of so illustrious a benefactor, but to the inauguration (if I may so speak) of a great work of art. The exercises of the occasion will take place on the spot - a beautiful and amphitheatric dell which looks out upon the Bay and the cities of New York & Brooklyn. They will consist of a public address and such religious, civic, and harmonic accomplishments as may become the place and the day. It is the intention of the Committee to (?) nothing that is likely to add interest and impressiveness to the scene. The time selected is the 26th of October next - memorable as the anniversary of that great festival, which celebrated the completion of the Canal. You have now perhaps anticipated the request to which this statement is preliminary. It is the unanimous and warmest desire of the Committee that the address above referred to, should be pronounced by you. Allow me, Sir, on their part, and my own, to express the hope that it will c...(?) with your engagements and (?) to render this service. From the accompanying pamphlet you will learn something of the history and character of the monument. Further information, if desired, will be cheerfully furnished. With high respect - to Hon. Millard Fillmore.”

Item 29. Millard Fillmore to Robert Ray Esq., Buffalo, September 19, 1853

      “Dear Sir, your favor of the 13th with the accompanying package by express came to hand this morning informing me that the equestrian statue in honor of DeWitt Clinton will be inaugurated at Green-Wood Cemetery on the 26th of October and inviting me to pronounce the address on this occasion. I can not feel otherwise than flattered by the invitation and yet for reasons of a private nature I feel compelled to decline it. Please to return my thanks to the committee for this mark of its respect and believe me. Truly yours, Millard Fillmore.”

Item 30. Copy of Letter from Millard Fillmore, Buffalo, September, 19, 1853

      This handwritten document is a copy of the above letter from Millard Fillmore to Robert Ray Esq., September 19, 1853. It is transcribed in verbatim.

Item 31. Edward Everett to Robert Ray Esq., Boston, September 26, 1853

      “Dear Sir, I duly received your favor of the 26th requesting me to deliver an address on occasion of completing the monument to your illustrious statesman DeWitt Clinton. I feel very honored by this appreciation and extremely desirous of complying with your wishes. I am deterred from accepting your invitation at once, from a fear that owing to shortness of the time and the engagements on my hands in the interval, I may not be able to make due preparations to do justice as far as is in my power - to so noble a theme. My immediate object therefore in writing is to know whether is to know whether the 26th of October is the latest day on which the ceremonial can conveniently take place. I remain, Dear Sir, with much respect, faithfully yours, Edward Everett.”

Item 32. Copy of Letter from Edward Everett to Robert Ray Esq., Boston, September 26, 1853

      This handwritten document is a copy of the above letter from Edward Everett to Robert Ray Esq., September 26, 1853. It is transcribed in verbatim.

Item 33. Envelope, Edward Everett to Robert Ray Esq., October 5, 1853

      This envelope is from a letter sent from Edward Everett to Robert Ray. It is postmarked October 5, from Boston, Massachusetts.

Item 34. Edward Everett to Robert Ray Esq., Boston, October 5, 1853

      “Dear Sir, your letter of the 3rd reached me yesterday and agreeably to your wish, I will hold myself engaged to deliver the address on the occasion of inaugurating the statue of DeWitt Clinton in May next. Any pamphlet pertaining to the monument or to Mr. Clinton’s biography will be very acceptable to me. I have the large q...(?) volume containing Dr. Hosack’s memoir. I remain, Dear Sir, with great respect faithfully yours, Edward Everett.

Item 35. Copy of Letter from Edward Everett to Robert Ray Esq., Boston, October 5, 1853

      This handwritten document is a copy of the above letter from Edward Everett to Robert Ray Esq., October 5, 1853. It is transcribed in verbatim.

Item 36. “Correspondence Respecting the Inauguration of Monument to DeWitt Clinton, 1850”

This handwritten document is double-sided and bears two separate drafts of letters from Robert Ray Esq. to Edward Everett.

Front side:

            New York, September 26, 1853.

            “Sir, an association of gentlemen, with many of whom you are acquainted, was formed some time ago for the purpose of placing a suitable monument over the remains of distinguished statesman DeWitt Clinton in Greenwood Cemetery. A colonial bronze statue has been completed for that purpose by our distinguished sculptor Henry Kinke Brown. It is proposed to complete the monument and to have suitable ceremonies performed on the occasion the 26th of October next. It will be very gratifying to the gentlemen of the association if you will deliver an address at that time. If you return a favorable answer to this request, time pamphlets giving the history and character of the monument will be sent to you, & further information, if desired. I remain, with high respect, yours very truly, R. R. Chair of the (?) Com. of Clinton Mon. (?)”

Back side:

            New York, October 3, 1853

            “Sir, your returned favor of 26 September postmarked last was received by me with much satisfaction, as it holds out a promise that you will deliver as address, on the occasion of inaugurating the bronze statue of our distinguished statesman DeWitt Clinton, provided that a pronouncement of the day could be made to give you time for preparation. The committee feel most gratified at your kind reception of their proposal & have determined, if your a...(?) permit, to postpone the celebration until (?) in the month of May next. If this suits your views, we can arrange the time more definitely hereafter. The removal of the remains to the vault under the statue will be made at the time to be agreed on. I remain, with great respect, truly yours, R. Ray Chair Clinton Mon. (?).”

Folder 19: Senate Investigation of Green-Wood Cemetery, 1885Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 37. “The Abuses in Greenwood Cemetery”

      This pamphlet is addressed “To the Honorable The Senate and Assembly of the State of New York” and calls their attention to an investigation of the management and affairs of Greenwood. The pamphlet includes several newspaper articles that were written in response to Charles Willson’s complaint of his experience at Greenwood Cemetery during the funeral service for his wife. According to a newspaper clipping (Folder 20, Item 43), Willson wrote and published the pamphlet himself. On the very back of the pamphlet is a handwritten that states, “1885 Attack on Greenwood.”

Item 38. Henry E. Pierrepont to Senator Hon. John J. Kiernan, March 28, 1885

      “Dear Sir, I intended to say to you if I had succeeded in seeing you this morning, that as so much complaint has been made by Mr. C. H. Wilson and his friends in the public press, that the Trustees of Green-Wood desire our investigation, believing it will be made to their credit. It would not be proper of us to suggest names for the committee who are to be appointed by the Governor. All that is desired is that the court should consist of the most respectful and best known names in Brooklyn and New York. As Mr. Wilson instead of making his complaints through the press had made it to the Trustees, it would have received proper attention. The course he has taken seems a malicious attack upon the constitution of Green-Wood and its Trustees, who have been selected from among the best in the community. We understand that Mr. Wilson has been with his complaints before the Governor & probably has prejudiced him as he has members of the legislature. The country has reason to be proud of Green-Wood, for it is unequalled - and has been conducted for half a century, as a benevolent (?) for public benefit. I am recorded in its history as its originator & have dedicated my time and services to it without salary or pecuniary interest. After 226,000 burials have been made that was complained of is the first complaint that has come before the Trustees. Truly yours, Henry E. Pierrepont.”

Item 39. Spencer Trask to Henry E. Pierrepont, April 7, 1885

      “Dear Sir, when I received a letter yesterday from the governor, asking if I would accept an appointment on the commission, to which you refer in your letter of this evening, I hesitated as my time is so fully occupied, but being (?) to accept, I did so & now your letter has made me glad of my decision for it would give me pleasure to serve you directly or indirectly. It is a deplorable injustice that a management that has been conspicuously good for so many years, should be so unjustly attacked  - how unjustly this imagination will, I know, make clearly evident to all. Yours truly, Spencer Trask.”

Item 40. Letter, Brooklyn, April 11, 1885

[Most of this letter is illegible, including the name of the sender.]

      “My dearest, I have sent telegrams in different directions to say that I cannot keep my appointment (with several persons to meet whom, on business, (?) made an appointment) in (?) for tomorrow. I will therefore, deo volente, be with (?) in the cemetery case. I was detained by a consultation on lots in Brooklyn this A.M. last I did not see the men (?) who called here from the cemetery. Before this case is tried it will be well, I think, for (?) (?) to go down to this cemetery & examine the lot at which this “outrage” occurred, he shall thereby be better able to apply his testimony. (?) will have “a uneasy time of it” if they decide to entertain every i...(?) generation (?) & every (?) who is disposed to the Co. [The first half of this sentence is illegible] as merchants & accountants (?) not only the c...(?) of the (?) (?) that they are intellignle & kept in a proper way. You must not let the matter h...(?) (?) shall - I think (?) and (?) worried by it. There is (?) earthy r...(?) for (?) (?) so. I have engaged a s...(?) (?) for this cemetery. [Signer unknown]."

Item 41. Reverend Theodore Cuyler to Henry E. Pierrepont, April 22, 1885

      “My dear Mr. Pierrepont, it has always been my custom to conduct funeral services at the house and never to go to Greenwood. During my 25 year residence in Brooklyn, I have never been present at more than two or three interments at the cemetery and never I witnessed nothing improper. As I really have no facts to give & no personal (?), it will not be necessary for me to appear before the commissary. I have n...(?) h...(?) my complaints of (?) & Thursday is a very busy day with (?). I read this note giving all the information I have - which really amounts to nothing. (?) cordially, your friend, Theo. L. Cuyler.”

Item 42. Reverend Charles Cuthbert Hall to Henry E. Pierrepont, April 22, 1885

      “To Henry E. Pierrepont Esq.: President & (?). My dear sir, I have the honor to acknowledge your favor of yesterday, requesting me to give testimony in favor of the management of Green-Wood Cemetery, & of the connect of grave diggers. I beg to reply that I will cheerfully attend the meeting on Thursday and if requested will testify to the propriety and decorum of such of the officials of the cemetery as I have had all opportunity to observe during an experienced c...(?) the last eight years. I will go to the meeting at 9:30, and if agreeable will ask permission to s...(?) as soon as thereafter as my testimony shall be received. I remain, dear sir, very respectfully yours, Charles Cuthbert Hall.”

Folder 20: Senate Investigation of Green-Wood Cemetery: News Articles, 1885Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Item 43. Newspaper clipping, “Testimony Relating to the Alleged Outrages

      The first half of this article describes the hearing held by the commission appointed to investigate the charges of mismanagement of the Greenwood Cemetery. S.D. Babcock, Spencer Trask and John B. Woodward took testimony from complainants represented by Joseph S. Woods, while B.D. Silliman and T.S. Moore appeared on behalf of the cemetery. The second half of the article illustrates the history of Greenwood and includes the cemetery's financial statement for 1863.

Item 44. Newspaper clipping, “Testifying in Behalf of Greenwood; All of the Opposing Witnesses Said To Be Wrong - The Financial Management”

      This article describes a hearing that was held in the director’s room at the Union Ferry Company in Brooklyn. The complaint filed by Mr. Willson was rebuked and denied by several undertakers, the chief clerk of the cemetery, D. H. McCoy, and the assistant superintendent of the cemetery, Thomas Marchant. The article also makes mention of financial mismanagement on the part of the cemetery.

Item 45. Newspaper clipping, “The Doctrine of the Trinity: Why Ministers Do Not Like to Touch on It”

      This article describes a first in a series of talks by Reverend Dr. Putnam of the Church of the Saviour. The subject of this first talk was "The One God" and the origin of the doctrine of the Trinity.

Item 46. Newspaper clipping, “Greenwood’s Reply; Charges of Financial Mismanagement Answered”

      This article reveals Greenwood’s reply to charges of financial mismanagement and states several reasons as to why it is impossible to compare Greenwood Cemetery to Woodlawn Cemetery.

Item 47. Newspaper clipping, “Conducting the Funerals: Some Mighty Lively Passages at the Greenwood Investigation”

      This article describes a portion of the hearing held by the commission appointed to investigate the charges of mismanagement of the Greenwood Cemetery. John S. Woods questioned the principal witness for the defense, Thomas Marchant, who was the Assistant Superintendent for Greenwood Cemetery at the time. On the top of the clipping, there is a handwritten note that states, “The World, April 22.”

Item 48. Newspaper clipping, “Brutality at Greenwood”

      This article is an interview with Greenwood Cemetery Comptroller Joseph A. Perry. Perry states that he believes all charges against Greenwood are “inspired” and were made in an attempt to boost business at Woodlawn Cemetery. When asked if he disagreed with the thirteen men who made statements against Greenwood verifying Charles Willson’s charges, Perry stuck up for the undertakers and employees of Greenwood.

Item 49. Newspaper clipping, “Greenwood Burials: The Mode of Conducting them to Be Investigated”

      This article discusses the adoption of a resolution by the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York for the authorization of an investigation of Greenwood Cemetery.

Item 50. Newspaper clipping, “Burials at Greenwood: The Methods of Interments To Be Investigated,” March 27, 1885

      This article discusses the resolution offered by Senator John J. Kiernan demanding an investigation by a committee of three citizens who were to be appointed by the Governor. The three citizens appointed were to report in 20 days and conduct the investigation without pay.

Item 51. Newspaper clipping, “The Proposed Greenwood Inquiry: Yesterday’s Resolution Unanimously Passed by the Assembly”

      This article discusses the adoption of a resolution by the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York for the authorization of an investigation of Greenwood Cemetery.

Item 52. Newspaper clipping, “No Investigation of Greenwood Needed”

      This article discusses the adoption of a resolution by the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York for the authorization of an investigation of Greenwood Cemetery. The author of this particular article reveals his belief that it is a mistake to investigate Greenwood because “the discipline of the cemetery and the efficiency of its management and of its employees are also attested by its condition as seen by all who visit it.”

Item 53. Newspaper clipping, “Charges Against the Cemetery Association to be Investigated”

      This article discusses the adoption of a resolution by the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York for the authorization of an investigation of Greenwood Cemetery. It makes mention of the charges instigated by Charles Willson and the conduct of the gravediggers he supposedly was witness to at the funeral of his wife.

Item 54. Newspaper clipping, “In Defence [sic] of Greenwood; Many Witnesses Say The Cemetery is Well Managed”

      This article describes the meeting of the commission appointed by the State Legislature to investigate the charges against Greenwood. Several members of the community testified on behalf of the cemetery, stating that they had been to numbers of funerals over the years and had never seen such behavior described in Charles Willson’s charges. At the top of the clipping, there is a handwritten note that states, “Sun of Friday April 24, 85.”

Item 55. Newspaper clipping, “Greenwood: Defending the Management of the Cemetery”

      This article describes, in great detail, the meeting of the commission appointed by the State Legislature to investigate the charges against Greenwood. It reveals several testimonies from the most important witnesses, beginning with Assistant Superintendent Marchant.

Item 56. Newspaper clipping, “In Defence [sic] of Greenwood; Some of Its Old-Fashioned Customs Changed Lately”

      This article illustrates the questioning of the Assistant Superintendent of Greenwood, Thomas Marchant, by B.D. Silliman and T.S. Moore. It also includes Marchant's cross-examination by Joseph S. Wood. Marchant was asked about the general work duties, performance, and behavior of the grave diggers at Greenwood. On the top of the clipping is a handwritten note that states April 16, 1885.

Item 57. Newspaper clipping, “Callous Grave Diggers; Hearing Before the Greenwood Cemetery Commission"

      This article discusses the continuation of the heating before the Greenwood Cemetery Commission appointed by Governor Hill in the investigation of complaints issued by Charles H. Willson. There were several witnesses who testified to mismanagement and poor work conducted by the grave diggers.

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